Comet observations by Charles Messier in the 18th Century
Map with Comets C/1698 R1 and C/1702 H1 Map with Comet C/1742 C1 Pieter Gabry, Map with Comet C/1748 H1 Hartmann Schedel, Liber Chronicarum, Nürnberg, publ. Anton Koberger, 1493, page CLVII with 1P/684 R1 (Halley) Map with Comet C/1652 Y1 Mathias Merian, Theatri Europaei, Zwölffter Theil, Frankfurt, 1691, plate 14, after page 258, Comet C/1680 V1 Christophoro Weigelio, Ethica Naturalis, Norimbergae (Nürnberg), ca. 1690, page XCII, "COMETA"
Start | Fortin 1776 | Fortin 1795 - E | Fortin 1795 - NL | Fortin - Nebulae | Fortin - Varia | Urania's Mirror | SDUK, 1851 | Comets / Kometen | Varia 1 | Varia 2
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